Free Will
“Free will is a topic that we wish to discuss at this time. It seems that many of you have this notion that free will is something that...
Twin Flame Readings & Coaching Services by Priestess Of Light
I am a fellow twin flame already married to my twin flame after a 5 year journey. I am highly intuitive, empathic, and I have 7 out of 8 psychic clair’s. I am also a divine channel for messages and healing transmissions!
What makes me special as a coach is that I combine my personal experiences, intuitive abilities, channeled messages and healing transmissions from spirit to create a unique and powerful coaching package for my beautiful clients. I have already helped numerous twin flames along their unique journeys to a union in the physical.
I assist you with understanding that you and your partner are ALWAYS connected. No matter the circumstances. There is no separation because you are already one!
We work on removing society's ideas of how relationships “should be”. Because the truth is that this connection is so much deeper, uncomplicated, and greater than we humans can imagine!
We also work through your core wounds and programming that are currently distorting your view and circumstances. Once these are worked through and released, you feel calm, secure, grounded, confident and more in touch with your true self. You will have a deeper understanding of who you are and you learn to love yourself unconditionally!
When your relationship with yourself deepens the energy of your relationship here in the physical begins to shift and ascend!
Different coaching packages are available that include:
•distant emotional healing sessions that focus on healing your core wounds so you don’t keep repeating lower vibrational patterns! Some examples are jealousy, abandonment issues, or fears surrounding infidelity.
•I also coach you on how to do your OWN inner work. This is soooo important! I can’t stress this enough 🖤. This is achieved through meditation, intuitive exercises, contacting your guides, and more.
•my personal experiences.
•text availability for you to ask questions as needed when things come up.