“We the angels would like to discuss with you today the importance of the spoken word.The spoken word is a powerful tool. Please use discernment before you choose to send your words out into the existence.
Simply put, what you speak you create. Please be mindful of what you put out into the universe.That is to say if you always speak in a positive light, you will receive a positive result. If you choose to speak in a negative light, you will receive a negative result.
So dear ones, we offer you this information in the hopes that you bring ownership and awareness to the words you speak. As always with love and blessings.”
~Archangel Michael & The Angelic realm
Channeled by
Priestess Of Light
That was a beautiful and powerful message that I channeled from the angelic realm.
What they came through to teach about is that what you put out into the universe is what you will receive.
This is specifically about the spoken word but please keep in mind that thoughts, beliefs, visions, and emotions are also equally as powerful so please be mindful.
The universe DOES NOT conspire against you it simply matches the vibrational frequency that you send out. One trick on the spiritual path is to simply see all things in terms of vibration.
I send love and blessings to all of you.